"Next Task" link on task pages
in progress
Charlie Germano
I have just started on the bar prep videos and quizzes and did want to share one bit of feedback. The content is great, but the navigation is a little cumbersome. For example, after watching a video, the only option is to return to the task list and then find the next task to work on.
This may not sound like much, but between clicking “return to task list,” waiting for that page to load, manually scrolling down and finding the appropriate next task, selecting that task, and then waiting for that page to load, it takes around 10 seconds. Given that there are 985 tasks in the program, that amounts to around 2.75 hours of wasted time over the course of the program just navigating from one task to another.
Do you think it’s possible to add a “Next Task” link to the top of each video or quiz? It’s a simple thing but would actually result in a huge time saving.
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Grace Gosz
Completely agree! I've come here to request the same feature.
Aaron Dewald
Merged in a post:
"back to tasks"
Jake Skoda
very annoying to have to click back to tasks, then scroll the list, then find the next task.... would be nice to be able to click next task immideatly after clicking "mark task complete".....
Sonia Lei
Could not agree more, this is actually a huge oversight in workflow UX and should be prioritized. Also, the "return to task list" returns you to the first page of the task list, making it extra cumbersome to find the next task beyond the first page.
Aaron Dewald
in progress
Anthony DeSabato
Could not agree more!! Such a simple fix that would make things much smoother.
Aaron Dewald
Merged in a post:
Include arrow feature that allows us to go from one assignment to the next
Aanchel Shah
It takes a lot of time and often derails the studying flow when I have to manually go back to the list of assignments and click on the next one. Studying would feel a lot more efficient if after I finished watching the video, I could click a right arrow that would directly lead me to the questions that follow in order (especially as the page does not maintain the spot I was at initially so I often have to scroll a lot which is both discouraging and feels like a waste or time.)
Aaron Dewald
Merged in a post:
Allow arrows to go from assignment to assignment
Aanchel Shah
It takes a lot of time and often derails the studying flow when I have to manually go back to the list of assignments and click on the next one. Studying would feel a lot more efficient if after I finished watching the video, I could click a right arrow that would directly lead me to the questions that follow in order (especially as the page does not maintain the spot I was at initially so I often have to scroll a lot which is both discouraging and feels like a waste or time.)
Aanchel Shah
This applies to Bar Review.