Our redesigned landing pages feature a section that shows a selection of courses that are part of the "bundle" or core offering. The courses shown should align with our marketing and content strategy, i.e. they should be relevant and enticing to a prospective user. However, we don't currently have any control on which courses get shown at the top, or at all (since we'll always only be showing a selection of most bundles).
An easy way to address this would be to add a checkbox next to the courses listed in the bundle on active admin. The column will be called "Show on landing page". This would give the content and marketing team direct control over which courses are shown.
Alternatively, we can add a ordering feature to the list (similar to what we have for moving around bar tasks or diagnostic questions), so that we can manually move courses up or down on the list.
As it stands, I think the order is arbitrary and we may end up showing less-than-relevant courses on the landing page.