Ability to highlight text and make notes throughout Quimbee
under review
I think it would be nice to have the ability to write notes and highlight and have those saved in my account. That's all - just a feature request. Thanks!
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Aaron Dewald
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Highlighting on Quizzes for MBE
Elizabeth McDonald
It would be nice if we had an option to highlight on all the quizzes we take for MBE prep.
Aaron Dewald
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highlighting on multiple choice
Masara Fargo
please create a feature that allows me to highlight on the MC fact pattern and answer choices. Thank you :)
Rachel Kastner
Agreed! A highlighting feature would be super beneficial unless there is a reason for not allowing this - as I know some states do not allow highlighters in the test room. That being said, if that is the concern then there should be an underlining and note taking feature as pens and pencils are typically allowed in the bar exam. Thank you!
Aaron Dewald
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Highlight feature on case briefs
Nicole Pallay
I would like to make a suggestion to be passed along, but it would be great if, for the case briefs, we were able to use highlighters! In different colors as well.
Aaron Dewald
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Highlighter tool
Tomas Correa
A highlighter tool, similar to Westlaw's, that saves the highlighted text even if the webpage is closed would be very nice.
Aaron Dewald
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Add highlight feature for essay and MCQs
Lori Eller
Just hopped off a call with a student who said it would really help if we had a highlight tool in the course, particularly for the essays and MCQs and that Themis has that functionality. She said it would really help with the CA essays to highlight key facts or terms to then begin drafting the essay.
This is also something we tell students to do when they struggle with essays, particularly issue spotting - make notes on the fact pattern or strike things out to ensure you've covered all the issues by addressing all the facts.
Aaron Dewald
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Note Taking Option
Mahsa Monshizadegan
It would be very helpful to have a "Taking Note" option for the MBE questions.
Aaron Dewald
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Kailey King
It would be super helpful to be able to highlight certain words or phrases in a practice question to identify key words or phrases that are relevant to the issue! (:
Nicole Pallay
agreed! glad someone else suggested this- I can't believe it's been over 3 years and the feature hasn't been added yet!! I just gave the same feedback.
Aaron Dewald
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Add notes to bottom of pages when you bookmark them
Olivia Murphy
I would like to be able to highlight and add notes on case briefs.
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